“Application Called” Open Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Class 2 Grade 2 Of Sri Lanka Information And Communication Technology

Open Competitive examination for recruitment to Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service – 2018

APPLICATIONS are hereby called from qualified citizens of Sri Lanka for the open competitive examination for recruitment to the posts in Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service, which will be held by the Commissioner General of Examinations in Colombo in the month of August 2018.

2.0 Candidates who satisfy the prescribed qualifications will be selected on merit for appointment to the posts in Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service on the results of a written examination to be conducted by the Commissioner General of Examination.
3.0 Number of vacancies expected to be filled is 102. Effective date of appointments will be determined by the appointing authority. Further, the appointing authority reserves the right to refrain from filling any or all of the vacancies.

4.0 Three percent (3%) of the number of vacancies filled by this examination will be reserved for persons with disabilities. Only 3% of the persons with disabilities who secure highest marks in the examination and qualify will be selected for appointments. The minimum level of marks candidates should score to be selected for appointment is 50%. A candidate selected for an appointment will be referred to a Special Medical Board and, by a report obtained from a medical specialist; he/she should establish the disablement and the fact that, it does not hinder performance of duties of the respective post.

5.0 Salary.- In terms of Public Administration Circular No. 03/2016 (MN-06-2016) dated 25.02.2016, monthly salary scale entitled to Grade 2-II and 2-I of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service is Rs. 36,585-10x660 - 11x755 -15x930 - Rs. 65,440.

Note.- You will be entitled to the said salary from 01.01.2020. Until such time salary will be paid in terms of the provisions of Schedule II of the above circular.

6.0 This post is permanent. The pension, to which the officers who are selected from this examination to Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication. Technology Service are entitled, will be determined as per the policy decisions taken by the Government with regard to the pension scheme in future.

7.0 Qualifications.- Following qualifications are applicable for the recruitment to the posts in Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service :

(a) Shall be a citizen of Sri Lanka,
(b) Shall be not less than 21 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. (Accordingly, only the persons whose birthdays fall on or before 11.06.1997 and on or after 11.06.1983 are qualified to apply for this examination.)

Note.– When the officers in permanent posts of the Public Service are recruited through this examination, maximum age limit is considered as 45 years only at this instance. Therefore, only the officers who are serving at a permanent post in the Public Service and whose birthday is on 11.06.1997 or before or 11.06.1973 or later can apply for this.

(c) Shall have an excellent character,

(d) A ll the candidates shall have the physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of Sri Lanka and to perform the duties of the post.

(e) Educational qualifications :
01. Shall have obtained a degree in Computer Science/Information Technology from a University recognized by the University Grants Commission or a Degree Awarding Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission ;

02. (i) Shall have obtained a degree with Computer Science/Information Technology as a major subject from a University recognized by the University Grants Commission or a Degree Awarding Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission (at least 1/3 of the degree should be comprised of Computer Science/Information Technology) ;


(ii) Shall have obtained a post graduate diploma in Computer Science/ Information Technology from aUniversity recognized by the University Grants Commission or a Degree Awarding Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission;


03. (i) Shall have obtained a degree from a University recognized by the University Grants Commission or a Degree Awarding Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission;


(ii) Shall have obtained a post graduate degree in Computer Science/ Information Technology from a University recognized by the University Grants Commission or a Degree Awarding Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission;


04. (i) Shall have obtained the certificate of NVQ which is equivalent to level seven (7) or above NVQ certificate on Information Technology recognized by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission.

(ii) Shall have professional experience of two (02) years in the relevant field.

Note :
(i) Original copies of the relevant certificates should be produced at the interview in order to prove the professional experience mentioned in 7.0( e)
 (ii). Professional experience obtained when engaged in a certain employment in private sector should be proved by a letter containing the business registration number of the institution and EPF number of the employee and the relevant letters of appointment.
I f professional experience has been obtained when engaged in an employment in public sector, it should be proved by the letters certified by the respective Head of the Department and the duty lists.
(ii) It is compulsory for every applicant to have satisfied all the relevant qualifications on or before the closing date of applications.

8.0 Scheme of the examination and syllabus:–
8.1 T he examination will consist of three papers. This examination will be held in Sinhala, Tamil and English medium. Candidates will not be allowed to change the language medium applied once it is selected.
8.2 Subjects and the marks allocated for each subject are mentioned below :
Maximum Marks
Pass Marks
01. Information and Communication Technology
2 hours
02. Aptitude
1 hour
03. General Intelligence
1 hour

8.3 01. Information and Communication Technology : T his paper shall consist to thoroughly measure the knowledge and ability on supervision in the fields such as principles on Information and Communication Technology, Computer architecture and operating systems/software, hardware, knowledge on Information and Communication Technology for the productive implementation of the e-government concept, knowledge on system analysis, design, testing, implementation and maintenance, knowledge on creating and maintaining data base, hardware, data communication and computer network, Internet, designing websites and new Internet services, e-mail, life cycle of the projects of Information and Communication Technology. This paper shall consist with multiple choice questions, questions with short answers and structured questions. All the questions should be answered 6.

02. Aptitude test :
T his paper shall consist of questions to measure the ability on statistics and critical reasoning. The question paper shall consist of fifty (50) questions of multiple choice and short answers and all the questions should be answered.

03. General Intelligence :
I t is expected to assess the level of intelligence of the candidate in analytical skills, logical comprehension, interpretative ability, ability in application to other situations and arriving at conclusions, in response to problems presented in relation to numerical, lingual and figurative structure and inter-relations. Question paper shall consist of questions of multiple choice and short answers and all the questions should be answered.

Note.- These question paper has been designed to test the competency and skills of the candidatefor the duties of the service. Even though this is a competitive examination, a candidate is required to obtain at least 40% of marks allocated for each subject whilst obtaining at least 50% of the total marks. Marks shall be deducted in every answer sheet for illegible handwriting and spelling mistakes. Appointments shall strictly be made on the order of the marks scored in order to fill the number of vacancies allocated for the competitive examination.

 8.4 T he result sheet containing the name list of applicants, who have passed the examination and equivalent to the number of vacancies expected to be filled, will be issued to the Director General of Combined Services by the Commissioner General of Examination. In addition to the above, action will be taken by the Department of Examinations to issue results personally to all the applicants or to publish the results on the web site of the Sri Lanka Department of Examinations. www.results.exams.gov.lk

Interview – An interview for verification of qualifications will be conducted in respect of the candidates who have secured the highest level of aggregate marks determined by the Director General of Combined Services out of the candidates who have sat for all the question papers of the written examination. The date of the interview will be determined the Director General of Combined Services.

9.0 Penalty for furnishing false information.– The candidates should be very careful to include the correct particulars in the application. If it is found that any candidate is not eligible according to the rules and regulations of this examination his/her candidature can be canceled at any time before, during or after the examination. Further, if it is found that any information furnished by a candidate is false he/she is liable to dismissal at any time from the Public Service. 

 10.0 Examination Fees.– Examination fee is Rs. 500. This fee can be paid to any post/sub post office under the Revenue Head 2003-02-13 of the Commissioner General of Examination. The receipt obtained thus should be pasted in relevant cage of the application form so as not to be detached. (A photo copy of the receipt should be kept for further reference). Under no circumstances the examination fee will be refunded and money orders and stamps are not accepted.

12.0 On the assumption that only those who possess the qualifications mentioned in the Gazette notification have sent applications. the Commissioner General of Examinations will issue Admission cards to all candidates who have paid the relevant fees, whose complete applications have been received on or before the closing date. Issuance of an admission card to a candidate does not necessarily mean that the candidate has satisfied all the qualifications required for this post. If it is found at the interview that the applicant does not possess the required qualifications as per the Gazette Notification, his or her candidature shall be canceled.

13.0 The words "Open Competitive Examination for recruitment to the Posts in Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service - 2018" should be written on the top left-hand corner of the envelope in which the application is enclosed.

14.0 The signature of the applicant must have been attested both on the application and the admission card for the examination. A person applying for the examination through a certain institute, must get his/her signature attested by the respective head of the institution or by an officer authorized by the head of the institution and the other applicants must get their signatures attested by a Principal of a Government School/retired officer, the Grama Niladhari of the relevant division, a Justice of the Peace, a Commissioner of Oath, a Lawyer, a Notary Public, a Commissioned Officer of the Tri-forces, an officer holding a permanent Staff Grade post in the Public Service or in the Provincial Public Service

15. Applications duly perfected should be sent by registered post to reach the following address on or before 11th of June 2018 :

Commissioner General of Examinations,
Organization and Foreign Examinations Branch,
Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka,
P. O. Box 1503,

16. Sitting the Examination.- A notification will be published in newspapers by the Department of Examinations as soon as the admission cards are issued to the candidates. If the admission card is not received even after 2 or 3 days of such advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the Department of examinations in the manner specified in the advertisement. Name of the examination, full name of the applicant, address and national identity card number should be mentioned when making such inquiry. In case of applicants outside Colombo, it would be advisable to send a letter of request furnishing a fax number to which the admission card should be sent, along with the above details to the fax number mentioned in the notification and further to keep the following in hand at the time of calling the Department of Examinations : i. e. Copy of the application form and the receipt kept at your possession relevant to payment of examination fee, receipt of registration.

16.1 T he candidate should produce the admission card containing the attested signature to the Supervisor of the examination hall on the first day of the examination.

17. Candidates should furnish one of the following documents to the Supervisor of the examination hall to prove their identity :

(i) National Identity Card issued by the Department for Registration of Persons,
(ii) A valid Passport.

18.0 Issuance of an admission card to a candidate does not necessarily mean that the candidate has satisfied the qualifications required for sitting the examination. Candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the Commissioner General of Examination on conducting the examination and issuing the results. They shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment imposedby Commissioner General of Examination for violation of these rules and regulations.

19.0 Any matter not referred to herein will be decided by Director General of Combined Services. All candidates are bound to comply with the general examination rules published in this Gazette.

20.0 In case of any inconsistency among Sinhala, Tamil and English texts of this notification, the Sinhala notification shall prevail.

K. V. P. M. J. Gamage,
D irector General of Combined Services,
Ministry of Public Administration and

More Information Click Here 

Free Application Form : Click Here
Closing Date :  11 / June / 2018

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